We would like to introduce you to Liberty Garden Products 870-M1-2 Industrial 300 - 4 Wheel Garden Hose Reel Cart - Tan, that is essentially one of the most wanted unbelievable item out now. It is going to be one particular in the most compact and useful item inside the business. High quality manage is genuinely vital, and in the individual step of development that lead to total this incredibly helpful product for the buyer like you.
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It truly is seemed to be a just question for every person that how can I make suitable selection to select from many items which might be all much more than the world-wide internet marketing. Liberty Garden Products genuinely think that the only way you might be going to replace what you have now, would be to build an item that is far greater. Liberty Garden Products 870-M1-2 Industrial 300 - 4 Wheel Garden Hose Reel Cart - Tan will be the only answer for your inquiry. And also our style team has been listened of one's comments and requests and we're confident that you will uncover our newest product has been built to address all of them.
A component from that, every one particular in our team production has a feeling that in every single function that we have built into this newest prototype. It'll leave you asking oneself that where have this Liberty Garden Products 870-M1-2 Industrial 300 - 4 Wheel Garden Hose Reel Cart - Tan been hiding for all of your life. Furthermore, we confidently assume that as soon as you've got been the owner and tried it, you might be going to understand clearly that is why this newest model is selling as quickly as we can manufacture them. Now may be the very very best likelihood for you to turn into the owner even though you will find nonetheless supplied in the industry spot.
Our top-of-the-line, Industrial/Commercial Grade hose reel carts are sure to make your watering projects easy and quick. Our 870-M1-2 is made of 13 gauge steel and features a smooth reel that lets you pull out as much hose as needed, then easily winds back. It has a durable powder coat finish and all fixtures are brass/galvanized. It holds up to 300-foot 5/8-inch hose. The low center of gravity on this unit prevents it from tipping. Perfect for professional, commercial or home garden/landscaping needs.
- Perfect for professional/commercial garden/landscaping needs, low center of gravity prevents tipping
- Holds up to 300-foot of 5/8-inch hose
- Features 13 gauge steel construction, durable powder coat finish
- 7-foot inlet hose included, all brass/galvanized fixtures
- Keeps hose neat-ready to use
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